What are the best fireworks to buy?

There are so many great fireworks out there. We have come a long way in the last 30 years from only being able to get a small selection box for your garden party with some small rockets, where typically you probably did not even know what they did until you lit them and watched. Now you can choose from hundreds of variations of fireworks, down to their specific colour, height and number of bursts. Over the years many manufactures have looked for gaps in the markets and made a wide variety of different effects and sizes.  

At Coventry Fireworks King if we were forced to pick one, we love rockets the best. There is no better firework than a big 1.3G rocket that whizzes up into the air at a mega fast pace and explodes with a bang into a bright colourful chrysanthemum, with all the stars falling down. 1.3G rockets are a common item now in most firework shops.  

Even though that’s our fave we still enjoy all the other varieties too, a mix is generally a good choice. Whilst selection boxes have been replaced by most brands, buying a mix of smaller barrages instead do the same job, but don't worry we still have some selection boxes available to bring back that warm nostalgic feeling when we use a selection box, just like our parents did.

Coventry Fireworks King stock a huge number of fireworks including cakes and barragesrocketsselection boxesshot tubesfountainssparklersnovelty fireworkssmoke grenadesindoor ice fountains and sky lanterns.

Coventry Fireworks are great for special occasions such as Bonfire Night, Diwali, Halloween, Birthdays, Weddings, Gender Reveals, Chinese New Year and New Years Eve

Still unsure? View our best sellers to see what the good folk in Coventry are buying the most.

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